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The second EP by Scooppiati diversa band entitled PAROLE AL VENTO was released on May 17, 2019 (then reprinted on January 5, 2020) and distributed by Believe Digital Italia exclusively in digital format.


The Roman band returns, four years after the release of their first EP, proposing a truly fascinating project, which highlights a great artistic maturity obtained from the greater awareness of the arrangements and enriched by the talented voice of Vanessa Casu. Precious collaborations that enhance this work, starting with the voice of Daniele Coccia Paifelman (voice of Il muro del Canto on Bla Bla Bla), the acoustic guitar of Salvatore Romano and the percussions of Fabrizio Locicero (Orchestraccia respectively on Un'altra terra per sognare and Fammi volare), the cello of Giuseppe Tortora and the violins of Marcello Sirignano (who also took care of the orchestral arrangement of Fammi Volare) present in all the songs except Bla Bla Bla. The Roman singer-songwriter Sandro Curatolo, wrote for the Scooppiati diversa band, the lyrics and the music of the song Fammi Volare.


The lyrics contained in the EP are never banal and will take the listener by the hand, dragging him into some uncomfortable current issues, described through the band's interpretation. PAROLE AL VENTO thus becomes a journey, in which everyone can discover themselves as a spectator or actor in this enormous arena, in which very often words are not understood, but are dispersed in the air.


Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid (Albert Einstein).



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